Our policies
Our policies outline how we work and the standards we hold ourselves to.
Aids and adaptations policy
Our policy for how we support residents who require aids and adaptations to their homes.
PDF - 140kbAllocations policy
How we allocate our rented homes.
PDF - 198kbAnti-fraud, bribery and corruption policy
How we work to prevent fraud, bribery and corruption.
PDF - 166kbAnti-money laundering policy
How we work to prevent and tackle money laundering.
PDF - 134kbAnti-social behaviour policy
How we manage and deal with anti-social behaviour.
PDF - 207kbAnti-tax evasion policy
How we work to prevent tax evasion.
PDF - 138kbBuilding safety policy
How we meet legal requirements in the Government's Building Safety Act.
PDF - 193kbCode of conduct policy
Standards of behaviour and conduct we expect from board and committee members, MTVH staff and involved residents.
PDF - 199kbComplaints policy
How we deal with complaints and dissastisfaction with our services.
PDF - 152kbCustomer insight policy
How we use information from residents to help improve our services.
PDF - 111kbCustomer remedies policy
How we respond to complaints when we have not met our service commitments (including financial compensation).
PDF - 183kbDamp and mould policy
Our approach and process for dealing with damp and mould.
PDF - 150kbData protection policy
How we process personally identifable data, including personal data, special category data and data relating to criminal offences.
PDF - 159kbDecant and permanent displacement policy
Our approach for temporairly or permanently moving a resident out of their home.
PDF - 157kbDiverse needs and vulnerabilities policy
How we tailor our services to support residents who consider themselves vulnerable and those with diverse needs.
PDF - 136kbDiversity and inclusion policy
How we promote equality, diversity and inclusion in all areas of our work.
PDF - 110kbDomestic abuse policy
The measures we have in place to support residents and colleagues who are living/have lived with domestic abuse.
PDF - 222kbDuty of candour policy
How our care and support services meet the Government's duty of candour regulations.
PDF - 118kbEmergency access policy
Our approach for obtaining access to a residents property in emergency situation.
PDF - 136kbEquity loan policy
How we deal with equity loan applications.
PDF - 77kbGround rent policy
How we set ground rent, change ground rent for existing homeowners and calculate ground rent for new build homes.
PDF - 155kbHeat metering and billing policy
How we comply with legal requirements around heat metering and billing as a heat supplier.
PDF - 117kbHoarding policy
How we manage cases where residents hoard in our homes and services.
PDF - 146kbHomeowners recharge policy
Our approach for recharging homeowners for works and services.
PDF - 210kbMental capacity policy
How we support people who may not be able to make their own decisions. Our approach is based on guidance from the Mental Capacity Act.
PDF - 119kbMoney and debt policy
How we support people with money and debt issues.
PDF - 133kbMutual exchange policy
How we support residents who want to swap their home with another social housing tenant (mutual exchange).
PDF - 154kbOccupational health, safety and environmental policy
How we provide safe and healthy environments for our staff, customers and communities.
PDF - 116kbPayment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) policy
How we manage payment card security and comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).
PDF - 139kbPlanned property investment policy
How we manage our planned and cyclical maintenance service.
PDF - 137kbProperty compliance policy
How we manage fire, gas, electrical, lift, asbestos and water safety throughout all of our properties.
PDF - 217kbRent setting policy
How we set rents in line with the Government's rent standard.
PDF - 166kbResponsive repairs policy
How we deliver responsive repairs to our residents.
PDF - 152kbSafeguarding adults at risk policy
Our approach for safeuguarding adults at risk in our homes and in services we manage.
PDF - 153kbSafeguarding children policy
How we safeguard children and young people.
PDF - 192kbShared ownership affordability policy
Our approach for ensuring customers meet affordability requirements when considering buying a shared ownership home through our shared ownership brand SO Resi.
PDF - 144kbShared ownership allocation policy
Our approach for customers wishing to buy a shared ownership home through our shared ownership brand SO Resi.
PDF - 133kbShared ownership resales policy
Our approach for shared owners selling a share of their home (known as 'resales').
PDF - 122kbShared ownership staircasing and simultaneous staircasing (SIM) policy
Our approach to supporting shared owners who want to buy more shares in their home (staircasing).
PDF - 149kbSocial value policy
How we request social value contributions from our supply chain.
PDF - 317kbSuccession policy
How we deal with successions (the transfer of a tenancy to a qualifying person following the death of a tenant).
PDF - 155kbTenancy changes policy
How we deal with requests to change an existing tenancy.
PDF - 131kbUnreasonable behaviour policy
How we deal with people whose actions or behaviour is deemed to be unreasonable.
PDF - 66kb