- New Stage 1 complaints: 3,779
- Stage 2 complaints: 476
- Stage 3: 266
- 12.6% of complaints escalated from Stage 1 to Stage 2
- 7% of complaints escalated from Stage 2 to Stage 3
In July 2018 we began a pilot to change the way we manage complaints. The pilot has a two-stage process, with a complaint review panel to ensure our final response is appropriate. The process also placed more emphasis on delivering a response within 28 days and auto-escalation is built into this. This meant that if we cannot deliver a response within 28 days at Stage 1, we will automatically escalate to Stage 2. As a result, complaints are escalating earlier than in previous years and in greater numbers. Auto-escalation of complaints ended in February 2020.
Outcome analysis report
Please see our annual 2019 to 2020 customer complaints report below, broken down by business.
Area of complaint | Total |
Responsive repairs | 2,017 |
Housing services | 560 |
Planned programmes | 333 |
Estate services | 180 |
Compliance | 155 |
Development | 126 |
Income | 63 |
Heating services | 57 |
Leasehold | 50 |
Mechanical and electrical | 45 |
Customer services | 41 |
Voids | 35 |
Available homes | 29 |
Care and support | 24 |
Service charge | 20 |
Homeownership | 15 |
Sales team | 12 |
Customer care | 7 |
Finance | 6 |
Keyworker | 3 |
Neighbourhood investment | 1 |
Grand total | 3,779 |