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How we handle unreasonable behaviour

We understand some situations can be challenging. We’ll try to resolve any issues you have in a fair and honest way.

However, we may restrict or change the way we communicate with you if we consider your behaviour unreasonable.

Examples of unreasonable behaviour

  • Abusive or violent behaviour
  • Threats to staff
  • Unreasonable levels of contact (for example, multiple emails a day expecting an immediate response)
  • Refusing to co-operate with us when trying to resolve an issue

What we’ll do if your behaviour is unreasonable

We’ll make every effort to find a constructive and positive way to communicate with you before we take any formal steps to reduce contact. We’ll take into account your circumstances and individual needs.

If we decide to restrict how we communicate with you, we’ll write to you and explain why. The restriction won’t be permanent and will be reviewed after a set period.

You can still communicate with us if you have any urgent health and safety issues, including emergency repairs.

Unreasonable behaviour policy

Our policy provides more information about how we work and the standards we hold ourselves to.

Read our unreasonable behaviour policy (PDF).