You can make a formal complaint about:
Standards of service.
Actions taken or not taken.
We accept complaints about MTVH and third parties acting on our behalf – for example, contractors we use to make repairs.
What happens when you make a complaint
- We’ll send you an acknowledgment within 5 working days of receiving your complaint to let you know that we’ve received it. Once allocated, your dedicated Complaint Coordinator will provide their direct telephone number and email address to support managing your current complaint.
- We’ll investigate your complaint and, where possible, get back to you within 10 working days. This will be when we agree how we’re going to resolve your complaint.
- If we cannot offer a solution within 10 working days, we may have to extend by a further 10 working days. If after this point we are still unable to resolve your complaint, we will contact you to agree a timeframe to ensure we have fully investigated and provided you with an appropriate response.
- If you’ve received your final stage 1 complaint response and it does not resolve all your concerns, you can escalate your complaint (move it on) to stage 2.
If you can’t make a complaint online
Call us on 0203 535 3535, Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm. We’ll take you through the process and raise a complaint on your behalf.
Other ways to make a complaint
MTVH Customer Care Team
Waterfront House
Beeston Business Park
Technology Drive
When contacting us by post, make sure you include:
- The date the problem started and how often it happened
- The name of anyone you’ve contacted and dates you were in touch with them
- Your contact details
- How you would like us to get in touch with you
- The impact your experience has had on you and how made you feel
- What can we do to put things right
This information helps us understand what’s gone wrong, how it’s affected you and what we can do to help solve your problem.
Accepting redress and compensation
If you have received an offer of redress or compensation from us in your final response letter, accept compensation using our online form.
You have up to 6 months to accept your compensation from the date offered on your final response letter.
Complaints policies and performance
These policies set out our approach to dealing with dissatisfaction with our services and our approach to compensation payments.
Read our complaints performance for information on how many complaints we’ve received.
Service standards
Our service standards are a guide to the service you can expect from us. These standards conform with all regulatory requirements.
If our response to your complaint is not satisfactory
If you feel we haven’t addressed your issues, or you have more evidence we have not considered, you can have your complaint reviewed by a secondary Complaint Coordinator and moved to stage 2. Escalate your complaint from stage 1 to stage 2 online.
Information on how to have your complaint reviewed is in your stage 1 final response letter.
Stage 2
- We’ll send you the contact details of the person handling your stage 2 complaint within 5 days of receiving your review request.
- If we cannot respond within 20 working days, we’ll let you know and get in touch to discuss a new response time.
- We’ll send you our final response. This means you’ve come to the end of our process and your complaint is closed.
If our final response is not satisfactory
If you’ve received our final response and are still not satisfied, you can refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service to review once you have received your Stage 2 Final Response Letter.
The Housing Ombudsman resolves issues between landlords and residents. The service is free and the Ombudsman carries out its investigations fairly and without taking sides.
Contact the Housing Ombudsman
Online: online complaint form
Phone: 0300 111 3000 Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm
Write to:
Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 1484
Unit D
Request an interpreter or translation
We provide translation services for people who:
- Do not speak or read English.
- Are blind or have a visual impairment.
- Are deaf or have a hearing impairment.
Request an interpreter or translation service online. Or call us on 0203 535 3535 Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm
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