Complaints performance

Complaints results, 2021 to 2022

  • New Stage 1 complaints: 4,094
  • Stage 2 complaints: 941
  • 18.6% of complaints escalated from Stage 1 to Stage 2


Please see our annual 2021 to 2022 customer complaints report below, broken down by business.


Type of complaint Total
Responsive repairs 1,784
Compliance 1,269
Housing services 521
Planned programmes 351
Estate services 315
Leasehold 233
Income 141
Development 123
Sales team 88
Safer buildings 52
Voids 30
Keyworker 25
Available homes 24
Care and support 24
Customer services 22
Customer care 21
Finance 11
Neighbourhood investment 1
Grand total 5,035


Housing Ombudsman Service Determination analysis

Some of the complaints that we have not managed to resolve go to the Housing Ombudsman Service. It is a free, independent, and impartial service that looks at customer complaints. We are working closely with the Ombudsman to resolve complaints earlier, and we’re learning from their decisions (the results of their investigations).

In the last year, we’ve worked with the Ombudsman on 94 complaints. Their decisions were:

  • No Maladministration: 12
  • Maladministration: 12
  • Service Failure: 30
  • Severe Maladministration: 2
  • Early Resolution offering adequate Redress: 29
  • No Jurisdiction: 9