Share your voice

Help improve our websites and services

We need your opinions to help us improve MTVH’s websites and services. Get a £30 voucher for taking part in an hour-long session.

You do not need to be good with computers or the internet. And it does not matter what kind of tenancy you have, or how long you’ve been a resident for. We want to know about your thoughts and experiences.

Sharing your views means you’ll help us learn how to make sure our websites and services work well for all residents.

All you need to do is sign up using the online form below so we can send you email invites to research sessions.

You can always say no to an invite and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Register interest

We want honest feedback from our residents from all different backgrounds.

If you’ve been a resident for 1 week or 10 years, have a disability or just want to help improve services for your community, please register your interest using this online form.

You can also register your interest for other things, like joining a customer group, taking part in focus groups, or completing surveys. Read more about other ways you can get involved.

What’s involved

Once you register, we will invite you by email to take part in research activities. The details of the activity will be in the email.
You do not have to prepare anything beforehand. We’ll let you know what we’re doing, why and what will happen in each session.

The kind of things we’ll ask you to do are:

  • try out new web page designs
  • tell us what you think about a web page design
  • fill in a survey
  • share your thoughts on MTVH’s services and how they work for you
  • take part in an hour-long video call where you’ll share your screen and try out a part of the website we’re working on
  • take part in an in-person session. These are held at one of our offices or on one of our estates. A member of our team will meet with you and other residents. They’ll show you what we’re working on and ask for your views

Your comments will go straight to the team working on the websites. This research will help us learn how to make the sites better for all residents.



What you’ll get

For the hour-long video and in-person sessions you’ll get a £30 Love2Shop voucher as a thank you.

You can use your voucher on Amazon and in high street shops including Boots, Homebase, Clarks and TK Maxx.