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Scrutiny reviews

Scrutiny reviews are in-depth investigations into how MTVH is performing.  They are done every year in collaboration with residents.

Three topics are investigated each year – usually a service, process or policy. The Customer Council votes on what topics should be investigated.

How scrutiny reviews work

Scrutiny reviews are done every year, and residents are usually asked to attend between 1 and 3 short sessions in total.

If you are involved in a scrutiny review, you will usually:

  • review a selection of documents about a specific topic
  • attend meetings with other residents to discuss your feedback
  • agree any opportunities for learning or improvement
  • contribute to a report with recommend improvements

This report is then shared with MTVH staff and the Customer Council.

Interested in joining?

Register your interest and we’ll let you know when applications are open.

There are other ways to get involved too – including:

  • joining a Regional Panel
  • taking part in a focus group or completing a survey
  • testing our website

2023/2024 scrutiny report

The 3 topics reviewed for the 2023/2024 scrutiny cycle were:

  • how MTVH staff are inducted when they join
  • lessons learnt from the ending of the Axis contract
  • the role of Estate Inspectors

Read the scrutiny report for 2023/2024