We provide buildings insurance to most of our homeowners and shared owners. If MTVH aren’t the freeholder, your property may not be insured through this policy.
The insurance provider is AXA Insurance UK via broker Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited (Gallagher Insurance).
The policy number for MTVH is LP PPP 7121534.
Making a claim
If it’s an emergency
Call Gallagher Insurance on 01245 341 200 and quote the policy number.
All other claims
Check the summary of cover (PDF) to see what is and isn’t covered.
Then submit a claim by emailing Rachel Marshall at Rachel_Marshall@ajg.com. In your email, please include:
- the policy number
- what you’re claiming for
- photos of damage
- estimated value of damage
Gallagher Insurance will confirm whether the insurance covers you for your claim and tell you exactly what to do. They should be in touch within 72 hours.
How much you pay (excess)
Excess is the amount you pay when you make a claim. The amount depends on what you’re claming for.
Excess is:
- £250 for material damage loss, excluding subsisdence
- £500 for water escaping from a tank, apparatus or pipe
- £1,000 for any subsidence claim