As a shared owner, you are a leaseholder (not a tenant) and there’s an agreement between you and MTVH that sets out your rights and obligations in full. We’ve summarised the most important things you need to know below.

Repairs and maintenance

As a shared owner, you’re responsible for any internal maintenance and repairs.

If you live in a house

You may be responsible for the exterior of your building.

If you live in a flat

We are responsible for the exterior of your building and communal areas.

Check your repair responsibilities

Warranty for new builds

When a new property is built, most issues or ‘snags’ are covered under a warranty, and are the responsibility of the building contractor. During the warranty period, snags will be addressed for free.

Warranty for new builds

Buildings insurance

We provide buildings insurance for the majority of our homes. This cost is included in your service charge.

Buildings insurance

Your service charge and monthly payment

Most residents need to contribute towards the cost of maintaining, repairing and improving their building or estate in the form of a regular service charge. This is outlined in the terms of your agreement with us.

If you are a shared owner and pay us a service charge, we are legally obliged to let know of any major works that are being carried out and ask for your opinion about them before doing anything. This is in accordance with the Section 20 consultation process.

Your monthly payment (or ‘rent’) is for the share of your home that you don’t own.

The easiest way to pay your service charge and monthly payment is online.

Your MTVH Online account

How we calculate your shared ownership rent

Rent increases are linked to inflation.

Your rent increases every year by the Retail Price Index (RPI), plus a % specified in your tenancy agreement lease.

Rent increases from 1 April 2025

We will send you a letter in February/March 2025 explaining how much your rent will increase by from 1 April 2025. The letter also explained our estimates for your service charge payments.

Your payment responsibilities

You are responsible for paying your:

  • Monthly payment
  • Council Tax
  • Utility bills
  • TV licence (if you need it)
  • Contents insurance (if you want it)
  • Service charge (if applicable)
  • Mortgage payments (if applicable)
Bills and insurance

Administration fees

You may need to pay us an administration fee if you want to do something to your home – for example, making home improvements or remortgaging.

Administration fees for shared owners

Having money concerns?

If you are having difficulty making payments, don’t ignore the issue – we’re here to help.

Money advice

Selling your home

When you’re ready to move on, you can sell your home. Our dedicated shared ownership service, SO Resi, will guide you through the process.

SO Resi guide to selling your home


Mortgage lenders often need independent certification that the external walls (cladding) meet the Government’s safety guidance. This certification is called EWS1.

EWS1 information

Buying more shares

You can buy extra shares in your property at any time. This is called staircasing. Buying more shares will reduce your monthly payments. Our dedicated shared ownership service, SO Resi, will guide you through the process.

SO Resi guide to buying more shares

Running a business from your home

Your lease does not allow you to run a business from your home that will impact your neighbours or the building itself. For example, running a pet day care centre is not permitted, but computer-based work is allowed.

Contact us about running a business from your home

Extending your lease

If you want to extend your lease, our dedicated shared ownership service, SO Resi, will guide you through the process.

SO Resi guide to lease extensions

Home improvements and alterations

There are some changes that you can make to your property without asking us and some that need our permission.

Home improvements

Subletting your home

Under normal circumstances, your lease doesn’t allow you to sublet your shared ownership home.

If you’re experiencing financial difficulty, read our money advice.

Taking in a lodger

You may be able to have a lodger as long as you still live in the property. If you would like to do this, you can contact us

Contact us about taking in a lodger

Market your shared ownership homes

If you’re a housing association or local council, you can get help marketing your shared ownership homes with SO Resi Partnerships.

Services range from new-scheme marketing intel reports, to premium sales and marketing through to post-completion customer service.

Read more about SO Resi Partnerships


Read our shared ownership policies for more information on  how we work and the standards we hold ourselves to.