
Understanding your service charge

A service charge is the money tenants, homeowners and shared owners pay for the cost of services and repairs to shared parts of their building and estate.

Service charge increase from 1 April 2025

Your service charge will increase from 1 April 2025. We will send you a letter in March telling you exactly how much it will increase by.

The amount is an estimate. It’s based on the estimated costs of delivering the services you will need for the upcoming financial year (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026).

Read more about service charge increase from 1 April

What your service charge covers

Your service charge covers things like:

  • Cleaning and repairs to corridors, common rooms, stairwells and other shared areas.
  • Electricity supply to communal areas.
  • Repairs to the building.
  • Keeping things like lifts, laundry rooms and communal gardens in good condition.
  • Making sure your fire equipment is safe – including regular checks and repairs.
  • Maintenance of water pumps and sewage systems.

Read a glossary of terms about services charges, which provides definitions of common words and phrases.

How your service charge is calculated

We send you a service charge statement at the beginning of each financial year (1 April). This includes an estimate for what you will pay for the year ahead, which ends on 31 March of the following year.

Your service charge estimate is based on how much we spent on service and maintenance for your building in the previous year. It also includes things like inflation and changes in contracts.

Over the year, your service charge may either change or be fixed – it depends on if you own your home or rent with us.

If you’re a homeowner or shared owner

You have a ‘variable’ service charge. This means the amount you pay for the year can change depending on the cost of the services.

We’ll let you know the actual annual cost of your service charge within six months of the end of the financial year (usually around September or October). If our estimate is too low, we’ll charge you any additional money you owe us. If our estimate was too high, we will credit your service charge account accordingly.

If you’re a tenant

You have a ‘fixed’ service charge. This means the amount you pay for the year won’t change after we’ve made our estimates, regardless of actual costs.

Contact us about your service charge

If you have any questions or want to dispute your service charge, the easiest way to get in touch is to complete our online form.

Contact us about your service charge

Read more about disputing your service charge. You must keep paying your service charge even if you’re disputing it.

How to pay your service charge

You can pay it online, over the phone or through Direct Debit. Find out how to make a payment.

If you’re struggling with payments

Talk to us if you’re struggling. We can help you with things like:

• Making a budget.
• Managing debt.
• Grants and benefits you may be entitled to.

Get help with the cost of living

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