Understanding your service charge

Annual service charge statement

Your account balance may have changed because of your annual service charge statement for 2022/2023.

If we can’t send your statement, we’ll send you a Section 20B notice.


Annual service charge statement for 2022/2023

Your annual service charge statement is a breakdown of everything your service charge has paid for over the past year. The statement contains the actual cost of your service charge compared to what we estimated they would be.

This means either:

  • You owe us money if the actual costs are higher than the estimate – an additional charge has been put on your account.
  • MTVH owes you money if the actual costs are lower than the estimate – a credit has been put on your account.

You’ll receive your full statement in the post from the end of September 2023.


If you owe us money (‘in arrears’)

You must make payment before 31 March 2024.

If you have a Direct Debit, we’ll adjust this from 1 November 2023 so you’re paying us the correct amount.

You can also pay us online or over the phone.

You may receive an arrears reminder – please ignore it if you’ve already paid or you have a Direct Debit waiting to be amended.


If MTVH owe you money (‘in credit’)

You can request a refund online.

If you have any debts on your account, we’ll use the amount we owe you to clear them.

If you pay by standing order, telephone or payment card, you need to adjust your future payments to allow for any credit on your account.


If we’ve sent you a Section 20B notice

If we can’t send you your annual service charge statement, we’ll send you a Section 20B notice.

The notice tells you the total cost of work we’ve done to your building and estate over the past 18 months. This is the total cost, not what you owe us. You don’t need to do anything yet. We’ll send your share of the costs in March 2024 in your end of year statement.

Service charge reconciliation payment

If we sent you a Section 20B notice, you will have been either charged or refunded an amount called a ‘service charge reconciliation payment’ on your account. We have either debited or refunded you the same amount – this is called ‘end of year adjustment’ on your account.

You don’t need to do anything and you don’t need to make any payments.


Contact us about your service charge

If you’re not happy about your service charge payments, you can contact us about your service charge online. We’ll be in touch within 20 working days.

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