
MTVH responds to publication of the final Grenfell report

04 September 2024

Summary: Reaction follows the conclusion of the public enquiry into the tragedy and the publication of the final report

Today marks the publication of the second and final report from the public inquiry into the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in West London in which 72 people died, over 70 others were injured, and hundreds lost their homes. At MTVH, we remember those who lost their lives and all those who were affected by the events on that terrible night.

The report has reached the heartbreaking conclusion that deaths were “avoidable” and has identified a wide range of gross failings over many years which led to the tragedy.

For those directly or in-directly connected to the construction and housing sector, our utmost and unflinching priority must be the safety and wellbeing of residents. In the years since the fire at Grenfell a raft of new fire safety regulations have been introduced and providers are working hard to put right fire safety issues.

The recommendations made in this final report must now be carefully considered and taken forward in a way that ensures a tragedy like Grenfell Tower can never happen again.