
Supported living scheme opens at Longridge Road, London

09 September 2024

Summary: The new scheme at Earl's Court will provide services to adults with a wide-range of support needs

MTVH officially opened our latest supported housing scheme in Earl’s Court, Kensington & Chelsea on Friday, 6th September.


The support service has been delivered in partnership with the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) and is specifically designed for adults who are socially excluded and vulnerable. This includes single homeless people with support needs, rough sleepers or former rough sleepers, refugees, women with multiple needs including mental health needs, or victims of domestic violence, and others. We were delighted to welcome RBKC’s Head of Housing Solutions, Daniel Ferlance, and the GLA’s Senior Project Policy Officer, Chloe Nyman, to celebrate the opening with MTVH colleagues.


The property, previously a 13-bedroom house, has been remodelled to provide 10 self-contained rooms with en-suites facilities, communal areas, a garden, communal kitchens, and the provision of office space to help provide support facilities to residents. Residents at Longridge Road will also be supported in accessing education and employment opportunities which will help them to lead more prosperous, independent lives.


MTVH has worked in partnership with the GLA and RBKC with the principle aim to provide a preventative homeless service for adults aged 18 and over with housing and support needs.


The service will provide short term accommodation for up to 24 months and residents will be given support in a way that is right for the individual’s needs whilst helping them to develop the vital life skills which will help them to live more independent lives.


Kush Rawal, Executive Director of Customer Services at MTVH said:

“We are delighted to be opening our new service in Earl’s Court. This service reaffirms our commitment to providing homes which give residents the chance to live well and is a demonstration of what can be achieved through partnership working between housing providers and local government. These partnerships will be crucial as we work to deliver the homes which ensure every-one has the chance to live in a safe, warm, and affordable home and to live well.


The service is an innovative service which will provide unique, person-centred care which recognises that everyone has different needs and different requirements. Our work at Longridge Road will not stop there. Our aim is also to help to develop residents’ capacity to maintain their home and access the opportunities which will ultimately lead to more prosperous, independent lives.”


The Deputy Mayor of Housing and Residential Development, Tom Copley, said: “Ending rough sleeping is a top priority for the Mayor and I, and I’m proud that City Hall has supported the refurbishment of this high quality, affordable housing for people sleeping rough and regarded as vulnerable or socially excluded, enabling them to rebuild their lives away from the streets in dignity and safety.


“Ending rough sleeping in our city will take a joint effort from government and organisations right across the capital, so it’s great to partner with MTVH and the local council to ensure this vital accommodation is fit for the future, helping to build a better, fairer London for everyone.”